Member Site


Upgraded Site

Welcome Member!  In the past 12 months we've made two major updates on our membership system, moving from 2012 versions of software to shiny 2021 versions.  Remember the internet in 2012?  Your phone?  Yeah, a LOT has changed!

We're excited about the services and benefits and efficiency these updated platforms will bring to you, the member. But, in the meantime, there will be some hiccups.

We apologize for the hiccups.... and we are trying to cure them as soon as possible.

Welcome to the RMHA Members-Only Site

If you are a current RMHA member , we are so grateful for your support. As a current member, please log in to renew your membership online or update your contact information and the information included in our Members' Directory (so other members can get in touch with you). You can also access news items in the Members Area, links to member benefit discounts, a directory of current RMHA Members, Board Meeting minutes and recordings, a record of your transactions with the association, and other member information. If you have any problems logging in, please contact the RMHA staff by phone (859-644-5244) during regular office hours or by email @ after hours. Our staff will follow up with you as soon as possible.

If you are NOT yet a member of the RMHA , we hope you will consider joining. Your dues will help to support the RMHA breed registry, the programs of the association, and efforts to maintain this American heritage equine breed. RMHA members enjoy RMHA youth, trail, versatility and show awards programs for Rocky Mountain Horses, awards programs through several affiliate organizations, and discounted equine related products and services from various organizations and companies. Please check out our Member Benefits page and consider joining us - the application is just below!.

If you have other questions, our staff is always eager to help. Please contact us at (859-644-5244) during regular office hours or by email at any time.

New Member Application

  • Current Contact Information
  • Family Information
  • Complete

NOTE: If you are already an RMHA member please DO NOT COMPLETE THIS FORM. 

How We Can Contact You
Ballot Preference
Member Directory
Include in Directory?
The RMHA Membership Directory is only accessible to current members - and your inclusion is entirely optional.  If you choose to be included then your name will be in the directory.  All other contact information is under your control - you can enter just a city and state, just an email, whatever you want.  We understand that you might not want to share all of your contact information, but please balance this against being accessible to other members. 
Directory Details
Professional Services Offered
How do you use your Rocky Mountain Horse?
General Skills

The RMHA is made up of many talented  members that enjoying volunteering their talents and experiences .  What talents or experience would you like to share with the RMHA?